On the chance that a cow does contract a sickness or disease, they are held in the hospital pen for closer supervision and hopefully a speedy recovery. While the cows are kept in the hospital pen they are fed a different mix ration. A "close-up premix" is prepared before hand, and stored on the dairy floor, at the time of feeding a silage mixture is added in. Please refer to the table below.
Close-Up Premix
Alfalfa |
................................................340 lbs. |
Oats |
................................................200 lbs. |
Pellet |
................................................470 lbs. |
Premix |
.............................................20.86 lbs. |
Silage |
.................................................20 lbs. |
Total per Day |
..........................................81.72 LB. |
Information Courtesy of Joseph Dilsaver, Cal Poly Dairy Assistant