Cal Poly Land

this project
what's new

agricultural land
poly canyon
stenner canyon
western ranches swanton ranch
adjoining lands

geology & climate
soils &water
flora & fauna
natural resources
the arts


Explore Cal Poly Land by region. Each section listed includes maps, pictures, and guided tours by Cal Poly Faculty, who read the natural and human features of the landscape.

Campus Farm

[SLO Creek watershed]

Lying between the lower
slopes of Cuesta ridge and Highway 1, rich soils grow orchards, row crops, experimental crops and pasture. The campus farm contains animal units, environmental horticulture facilities, the arboretum and irrigation research center. Four reservoirs provide water for livestock and irrigation.


Poly Canyon

[SLO Creek watershed]

The watershed created by Brizziolari Creek,which originates on the steep upper slopes of Cuesta ridge, flows southwest through the rangeland of the old Peterson ranch, the gorge beside Poly mountain, the campus core and which terminates in Stenner Creek. Poly Canyon contains an ecological study area, botanical garden, architectural study area, and hiking trails.


Stenner Canyon

[SLO Creek watershed]

The watershed created by Stenner Creek, north and west of the central campus. It runs parallel to Brizziolari Creek, down Cuesta ridge, through the old Serrano Ranch, the Kirshner property, the gorge spanned by the Union Pacific railroad trestle, drains Cal Poly's agricultural lands and terminates in San Luis Obispo Creek near Marsh and Higuera streets


Western Ranches

[Chorro Creek watershed]

Three thousand acres north and west of of Cuesta College and Chorro Park consisting of steep hillsides, several canyons and rich valley soil, drained by Pennington and Chorro creeks, range and agricultural land, functioning barns and residences, containing a 211 acre Biological preserve, and varied historical resources.


Swanton Ranch

[Scott's Creek watershed]

A 3200 acre seaside ranch in Santa Cruz County encompassing river-bottom cropland, mature redwood--douglas-fir forests, hillside rangeland and oak savannah. Includes organic vegetable farm, livestock herds, minature railway and historic buildings. Used for classes in agriculture, forestry, biology, and English. Home of planned environmental education center.


Adjoining Lands

[SLO and Chorro Creek watersheds]

Lands bordering and between the University's two parcels in SLO County whose uses and abuses affect and illuminate Cal Poly Land