Cal Poly's Water
and water are the two essential components required for
the development of a vibrant ecological system. The history
of mankind revolves around the exploitation of the two in
order to achieve great deeds, build major cities, and provide
for the food, fiber, and shelter needs of citizens. The
story of water on campus is one of planned development and
wise use.
the earliest of times San Luis, Chorro, Stenner, and Brizziolari
Creeks provided water to meet the needs of a small population
of original Americans in the area. As San Luis Obispo became
settled by Europeans, they brought with them the technology
to build small dams on each of the creeks and systems for
distributing the water as needed for producing food, fiber
and feed for livestock. All of the most recent check dams
have since been removed by the Department of Fish and Game
as subsequent generations developed the Whale Rock Dam in
1957-58 and Santa Margarita Lake in 1942. Santa Margarita
Lake was designed and constructed during a nine-month period
to furnish water to Camp San Luis. The water from the lake
was never used for that purpose however. Whale Rock was
developed as a joint project by the City of San Luis Obispo,
Cal Poly, and the Men's Colony.
24-inch pipelines from both lakes converge at the Water
Filtration Plant in Stenner Canyon. Here water is treated
and then distributed to the campus and city. Gary Ketchum,
the Campus Farm Manager, has further developed a unique
system to use water for irrigation on Polyland. Water from
the pipelines is first fed into Middlecamp reservoir (named
in honor of former Farm Manager, Lionel Middlecamp). The
overflow of water from Middlecamp
is fed into Nelson Reservoir (on
the Cheda Ranch) for farm distribution and for ground water
recharge. In addition runoff water from upper Stenner and
brizziolari Creeks recharges the groundwater near the Crops
Unit and the Citrus Orchards. Wells at Field 25 and in the
lemon orchard tap into these water sources to help sustain
the farming operations. In addition water is pumped from
Middlecamp Reservoir to the Indonesian
Reservoir for redistribution. The Indonesian Reservoir
was built in the mid 1960's by a group of agriculture students
from Indonesia. This reservoir is connected to Shepard
Reservoir, which in turn is connected to Smith
Reservoir, both of which were named in honor of former
agriculture Deans Vard Shepard and Warren Smith. Drumm
Reservoir, near Herdsman Hall, has been redesigned and
converted to a state of the art Irrigation Training and
Research Center (ITRC) facility by Dr. Charles Burt. It
is named in honor of George Drumm, Dairy Department Head,
additional water catchments are located on campus. They
are used to recycle wastewater from the Dairy and Swine
units. One of the Dairy ponds
is used to recover recyclable methane from the dairy wastewater.
In addition excess water from the wastewater ponds is pumped
to giant water cannons for distribution onto campus pasturelands.
By applying the water to the soil, nutrients, pathogens
and sediments are removed and the groundwater recharged.
growth of Cal Poly has resulted in a loss of water for the
campus farming operations. Originally the farm was allocated
1200 acre-feet of water from Whalerock. As the campus student
population grew that allocation was cut to 600 acre-feet.
At present the water allocation for farming operations is
only 459 acre-feet. To sustain the campus instructional
ecosystem, we will soon face two major challenges, 1. either
develop additional water supplies or 2. become more creative
with how we use the resources available.