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We Do Bees: Check Your Answers

The Bee Body

1. The honeybee has an exoskeleton. It is composed of a hardened material called chitin which is secreted after every shedding process.

2. There are three distictive parts. They are the head, the thorax, and the abdomen.

3. The antennas consist of sensory hairs which are responsive to touch and odor.Therefore they are a chemoreceptory system.

4. The compound eye is specialized in detecting movement.

5. The female bees are the only ones with stingers.

6. The honeybee has two pairs of wings.

7. They have 6 legs.

8. They have 2 compound eyes for the detection of movement as well as 3 simple eyes that detect light.

9. Honeybees are not color-blind; however they are unable the induce nuerons from the red wavelengths.

10. Honeybees are definitly not nocturnal, they never sleep!

Beekeeping History

1. It is noted that the first beekeeping process was in Southern Egypt in 13,000 B.C.

2. Virginia was the first colony that recieved imported bees.

3. False. They are actually indigenous to areas of the Eastern Hemisphere.

4. Log Gums are made of hollowed-out logs.

5. True. Bees wax was also used in medicines, adhesive for paints, boat and ship building, and metal castings.

Bee Safety

1. There is an estimated 1 to 2 million people here in the United States whose life would be threatened if being stung.

2. There is up to 100 deaths reported each year that was caused by a bee sting.

3. If going on a hike, it is reccomended that you wear light-colored clothing. Research shows that bees are more likely to approach a person wearing dark colors.

4. It is highly noted that bees are attracted to strong scents. Therefore it is not a good idea to wear any scented products such as perfume if attending an outdoor event.

5. If a swarm of bees were to be coming at you, first and far most - RUN! While running you want to be sure to cover your face and especially eyes. You must restrict yourself of swatting at teh bees, this only makes matters worst.

6. If being chanced by bees, you do not jump into water. Although it may be your closest haven, the bees will still be there when you return to the surface.

7. When stung, you must remove the stinger as soon as possible, but only by scraping at the surface. If you were to squeeze it out, it will allow more venom to enter your blood. Once the stinger is removed, you must wash the stung area with soap and water. Finally allow ice to sit on teh infected area. This will relieve pain as well as reduce swelling.

8. It is reccomended to seek medical attention if you are stung in the nose or mouth. Once being stung and the pain and swelling persist for a long period of time, it would be a good idea to see a doctor, an infection can be setting in. If you are to experience any dizzines, nausea, and/or any other discomforting symptoms, you show signs of an allergic reaction.

Honey Making & The Process of Beekeeping

1. The honeybee stores the gathered nectar in its "honey sack".

2. Factors that impact the honey's quality are: flowers in which the nectar is extracted from, the given soil chemistry, and the honeycomb quality.

3. Honey is a supersaturated sugar solution.

4. In a given colony, there is one queen, hundreds of drones, and many worker bees.

5. The queen bee is the only one that lays eggs.

6. The responsibilites of a worker bee consists of: gathering pollen, making honey, producing beeswax, and most importantly, protecting the hive.

7. A drone has no stinger and isn't even capable of feeding itself. Its only purpose is to mate with the queen bee.

8. It is an average of 16 days from the laying of the larvae to the time of reproduction capabilities for a Queen bee.

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