As with many other
areas of west campus, Three Acre Lawn is closely
tied to the Ornamental Horticulture department. Early in Cal Poly's
history, the area's first trees were planted by the Ornamental
Horticulture Club. At this time, the area was more of a field
than a lawn and was the site of the annual freshman v. sophomore
tug of war game, a tradition that carried on until after World
War II. In 1946, more trees were planted by Ted Howes, Ornamental
Horiticulture professor, and his students. The trees were placed
in the back of Ted Howes's truck and pushed off the back at random.
Wherever the trees landed was where they were planted and the
lawn was added soon after. In the past 25 years, many more trees
have been planted, creating a quiet, shady haven for Cal Poly
students to study and relax.