Uses of Cal Poly Land
Cal Poly Situation for Outdoor Recreation
- No inventory
of lands for outdoor recreation potential
- Planning
- Existing
outdoor recreation problems on the land
- People
(non campus)-lots more in last 10 years
- People-climbing
over fences not made for people climbing over- breakage
- 4-Wheelers-in
farm areas where shouldn't be
- Mountain
bicycles-off trail ruts; occasional farm animal harassment;
bring loose dogs and dogs chasing; no helmets
- Joggers-
bring loose dogs and dogs chasing
- Small
amounts of vandalism
- Occasional
gate being left open
- Occasional
- Poly
Canyon road-interface safety with vehicles (walkers, joggers,
bicyclists, Vehicles)
- Joggers
complaining about some agricultural practices: crop spraying,
bird control, etc.
- Existing
- Trails-majority
are ill designed (no water management, questionable tread
width, too steep, etc.)
- Trails
have multiple trails branching off with no attempt to obliterate
- Outdoor
Recreation Ethic Development (place, activity, others)
- No
observable efforts to educate students/faculty/staff of
ethics in their outdoor recreation activities on campus;
some efforts by Escape Route for trips away from campus
- The Future
- Inventory
lands for outdoor recreation
- Committee(s)
to resolve outdoor recreation issues/problems
- Support
groups with supportive activities
- Recreation
ethic socialization strategies: Rec Sports, Escape Route,