(click on a thumb nail to learn more about each habitat)
Amphibians and Reptiles can be found in a range of habitat on Cal Poly land. Cal Poly land offers a variety of habitats from open meadows to steep hillsides. Each habitat link shows an in-depth knowledge of the area and the different reptiles and amphibians that co-exist there. This map gives you a view into the different habitats that are located directly on Cal Poly land. In Cal Poly land, the Human habitat consits of the buildings, parking lots and any other dense area on campus. The Serpentinite habitat includes the different hills made from Serpentine rock. The Brizzolari Creek habitat is made up of all the different creeks located on Cal Poly land and the different species located there. The Canyon habitat contains the most diverse source of reptiles out of all the habitats. Most of the reptiles can be seen sun bathing on the rocks or hanging out on the paths and trails.
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