following is a list of birds that can be found throughout the
San Luis Obispo area and specifically on Cal Poly Land. Detailed
information about these birds can be found on a variety of birding
web sites, specifically at,
the Audubon website, and
the PBS Life of Birds
website :
Cormorant: Phalacrocorax auritus
Anas strepera
Mallard: Anas platyrhynchos
Blue-winged Teal: Anas discors
Ruddy Duck: Oxyura jamaicensis
Bonaparte's Gull: Larus philadelphia
Mourning Dove: Zenaida macroura
Allen's Hummingbird: Selasphorus sasin
Nuttall's Woodpecker: Picoides nuttallii
Black Phoebe: Sayornis nigricans
Tree Swallow: Tachycineta bicolor
Bank Swallow: Riparia riparia
Cliff Swallow: Petrochelidon pyrrhonota
Barn Swallow: Hirundo rustica
Marsh Wren: Cistothorus palustris
California Thrasher: Toxostoma redivivum
Swainson's Thrush: Catharus ustulatus
Bushtit: Psaltriparus minimus
Chestnut-backed Chickadee: Poecile rufescens
Warbling Vireo: Vireo gilvus
House Finch: Carpodacus mexicanus
American Goldfinch: Carduelis tristis
Yellow Warbler: Dendroica petechia
Townsend's Warbler: Dendroica townsendi
Hermit Warbler: Dendroica occidentalis
Wilson's Warbler: Wilsonia pusilla
Western Tanager: Piranga ludoviciana
Spotted Towhee: Pipilo maculatus
Song Sparrow: Melospiza melodia
Brewer's Blackbird: Euphagus cyanocephalus
Great-tailed Grackle: Quiscalus mexicanus
to Birds Index