Poly Beef Overview
beef program at Cal Poly is the largest program in the Animal
Science department. The beef pavilion and facilities
situated above parking lots on Via Carta, is the location for
many livestock events throughout the year including, FFA state
finals, Pig and Lamb camp, and many other programs. Students at
Cal Poly have the opportunity to work with cattle in class settings
and gain experience with the animals. Later on the knowledge can
be transferred to the many enterprise
opportunities offered.
of the most popular (and introductory) enterprises is the annual
Bull Test. Bulls
are consigned to Cal Poly from throughout the state, cared for
by students, and later, the top 50% of the animals are sold in
the October sale. Another enterprise linked to Bull Test is the
Reproductive Soundness Enterprise. Students interested in the
reproductive side of the beef industry, get to evaluate semen
quality to determine a bull’s fertility and whether they
will be sold at the auction.
enterprises include the Artificial Insemination Enterprise, Heifer
Calving Enterprise, Feedlot Research Enterprise, and the Halter
Breaking Enterprise. Additional enterprises that take students
off campus include the Commercial Cow Calf/Escuela Enterprise
where students run the Escuela Ranch off highway 1, and the Stock/Swanton
Pacific Enterprise which takes place at Cal Poly’s donated
ranch land off highway 1 in Davenport.
4,000 acres of land are managed by the beef program at Cal Poly
in San Luis Obispo County. This land is divided among land on
campus and includes Parker Barn, Peterson, Serrano, Escuela, Walter,
and Chorro Creek Ranch. The 3,200 acres donated in 1987 at the
Ranch are utilized not only by the beef cattle that graze
there, but also by many other Cal Poly departments.
more information on the Western Ranches click here
pictures click here