cal poly land

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agriculture lands
poly canyon
stenner canyon
western ranches
swanton ranch
adjoining lands


soils & water
flora and fauna
natural resources
the arts


How Animals Impact Land


Animals impact the land by traveling over it and breaking up the top soil allowing new seeds to be germinated. Animals are placed on the land by ranchers to graze forages that can only be harvested by animals with a ruminant stomach. Humans have a simple stomach and can't consume grasses like cattle. Cattle are used to harvest the nutrients in grass and create meat that humans can consume and digest.

Biodiversity is also important. As cattle are moved from area to area they promote and increase the diversity. They change the landscape by controlling weeds and increasing plant growth.

This is part of the grazing managment program at Cal Poly's Walter's Ranch. You can see how sparse the land is. This area is grazed, but not as heavily as other parts at Cal Poly. This area was used by the military as a training base during the 1st and 2nd World Wars. This creek damage was done long before Cal Poly was in control of the land. But, through proper management and only grazing this area once a year,the cattle were able to break up capped soil and allow grass seeds to germinate. Pastures like this are in great need of native grasses and plant material. Cattle are the best at re-seeding naturally by depositing seeds as they travel over the land.